Thursday 15 May 2008

It Starts with but one drop

I suppose I should start explaining what twisted logic lead to this little side project of mine as well as what it's for.

So here it goes it starts as a vain attempt to log my progress. You see folks I am a juggler (oh not an amazing one but I'm getting there). So what do jugglers do? We juggle of course, we spend hours of our time melding together tricks and patterns and music then somewhere along the line an art form is produced.

Chances are you probably know this.

But like my friends I am just a tad competitive and I like to see myself progress. Through the process of this blog I intend to sort of log mini achievements, draw attention to videos that I think are particularly inspiring or cool and what my thoughts are. Sort of like a digital scrapbook if you will.

But also as a way of self motivation if I can persuade most of my friends to do the same I can see just how far they can progress and what they like and sort of build some motivation in me to improve as well as get insight's from their point of view.

So that's it, One More Than you has begun (I'm sure some of you will get the reference).



1 comment:

ThrowThrowCatchCatch said...

I learnt to whip catch today.
And Windmill properly.
I have also found out that contact lenses increase my peripheral vision, making behind the back throws so much easier.
All in all, quite a productive day of procrastination and avoiding English revision.
Just thought I'd share and steal your comment virginity :]