Friday 16 May 2008

Boldy going....

...okay to start with I know my title skills suck but I am desperately trying to avoid juggling based pun's (at least until I can think up some good ones or some really really really bad ones).

So what little tricks am I working on at this moment in time? Well we have:

Mills Mess, going quite well can get some lengthy runs if I really try but usually my brains requires some form of being switched off. I also seem to register some throws as 4's in my mind but I think that's more me because everyone else said its fine.

Started to learn 441 too, that said not overly that difficult its just making sure I keep it going. Finding it a little difficult to keep it going without a brief rest but getting very close. Will probably continue to crack that over the weekend.

The only other tricks outstanding which I am trying to polish are back crosses with my right hand. They are coming on nicely I can usually get the throws down really well. Not perfect though still have far too many misses flinging off and colliding with my drum kit =/ Also the trick pitched tt me as pendulum (but not proper pendulum apparently) its more like machine anyway. Can usually get it just the occasional erratic throw sends the pattern out of control, two in one hand on my left is a bit difficult too.

Other than that great progress on my part. For some reason though my lampshade is taking a beating today. Rather glad I don't practice club's indoors. With that said there ends the compulsory Ego Trip and updates on me. Lets get down to the fun stuff (What over people have done).

I'm not going to go long and hard into this today the whole point of this post was to get the ball rolling so I can start updating a bit more regularly and start searching for a style.

First we have Draitube's work (you can find his youtube channel in the Awesome Links sidebar). He has a whole host of great tutorials that are really helpful and clear. Okay so maybe that was a bit of shameless plugging but who cares I found them really helpful so ner!

Also we have Jason Garfield's Worst Nightmare. This video displays a rather funny and odd interpretation of "Juggling Numbers". Its a lot of fun and fairly silly so I think its worth a bit of a watch.

Not much else to say really. The ball has gotten moving hopefully Ill update later with more interesting things.

Thursday 15 May 2008

It Starts with but one drop

I suppose I should start explaining what twisted logic lead to this little side project of mine as well as what it's for.

So here it goes it starts as a vain attempt to log my progress. You see folks I am a juggler (oh not an amazing one but I'm getting there). So what do jugglers do? We juggle of course, we spend hours of our time melding together tricks and patterns and music then somewhere along the line an art form is produced.

Chances are you probably know this.

But like my friends I am just a tad competitive and I like to see myself progress. Through the process of this blog I intend to sort of log mini achievements, draw attention to videos that I think are particularly inspiring or cool and what my thoughts are. Sort of like a digital scrapbook if you will.

But also as a way of self motivation if I can persuade most of my friends to do the same I can see just how far they can progress and what they like and sort of build some motivation in me to improve as well as get insight's from their point of view.

So that's it, One More Than you has begun (I'm sure some of you will get the reference).

